2024 Super Bowl Fun

Join us for Super Bowl Fun with a 50/50 Square Pool and help raise money for our upcoming 2024 12th Annual Walk!

On February 11, help support Brave Hearts for Strong Minds through a 50/50 Square Pool. Each square on the 100-square grid is $20. This is an easy way for you to win $1,000 potentially!

With the link below, click on the square you want and then fill in your first name, last name, and email. Once all the squares are filled, numbers from 0 to 9 are randomly drawn across both grid axes. At the end of the game, the last digit from each team’s final score will be used to find the matching square. The person who grabbed that square is the winner!

We can add additional square pools depending on whether we sell all 100 squares.

Thank you for your support! Be Brave.